

What is arthritis?What are its causes, diagnosis and treatment methods?What are the prevention ways?In simple language, arthritis means wear and tear of the joint. Naturally, wear and tear has stages and degrees, and different people refer to it with different intensity of involvement.Arthritis may ...

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Sport injury

Sport injury

This article discusses more about physical injuries, especially in the lower limbs of professional debtorsEffective factors in the occurrence of sports injuries that can be prevented to some extent by knowing themThree main factors are involved in the occurrence of injuries in athletesThe first fact...

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Genu varum operation

Genu varum operation

The term knee brace or genovarum surgery is called osteotomy In this surgery, by cutting the bone close to the joint, the axis of the bone is corrected Different methods are used to perform this surgery and also different devices are used to fix the place of bone cutting Arch method, open wedge meth...

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Osteopenia or osteoporosis

Osteopenia or osteoporosis

What is the difference between osteopenia and osteoporosis?To better understand this issue, let's compare bone structure with reinforced concreteCollagen strands have the role of reinforcement or rebars and calcium is concrete or cement🌷 The lack of mineral component and calcium causes that the main...

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Causes of osteoporosis

What are the causes of osteoporosis? Bone is naturally composed of two structural layers It includes a hard and dense layer that forms the surface of the bone and is known as the cortex The second layer, which is porous and includes the bone marrow, is known as the cancellus🌷 The importance of osteo...

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Ways to diagnose osteoporosis

How to diagnose osteoporosis? Osteoporosis does not have any symptoms, and a person does not notice his osteoporosis until a fracture occurs. Among the risk factors of osteoporosis are genetics, female gender, malnutrition, inactivity, taking some drugs, smoking and increasing age. After menopause, ...

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Osteoporosis exercises

Osteoporosis exercises

Special exercises for osteoporosis 🌷 Start training with 5-10 minutes of softening and warming up the body You can start by walking to warm up 🌱 The training frequency is two to three times a week First movement: movement with a chair Sit on a chair and place your feet on the ground 🌱 palms crosswis...

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Osteogenesis imperfecta

Osteogenesis imperfecta

☘ What is osteogenesis imperfecta or imperfect ossification of children? This disease manifests itself in the form of brittle bones, along with repeated fractures that change the shape of the bones. Cause: Genetic factors play a major role in the disease, but some cases occur without genetic backgro...

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What is the characteristic of a good pillow? The most important point is that the useful life of a pillow is one to one and a half years and after that it needs to be replaced. The type of pillow depends on your sleeping habits 🌷 For those who sleep with an open arch or on their back, a medium and f...

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Authors' hand

Authors' hand

What is the syndrome of writers or musicians? In this disease, the person has pain and restlessness when writing or playing a musical instrument 🌹 In this way, the person feels tired in the hand while writing or playing, and gradually shows bad handwriting, and eventually the fingers collapse as the...

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hallux valgus

Hallux valgus or big toe deviation Hallux, big toe and valgus mean outward deviation This disorder, which is usually hereditary, is often seen in women One of the predisposing factors is wearing high-heeled shoes with narrow toes According to the amount of deviation, the intensity of the conflict is...

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Hallux rigidus

What is hallux rigidus or hard thumb? This disease occurs with pain and limitation of movement of the big toe 🌹 Society is in the company of women At the beginning of the disease, the movement of the thumb is limited to the back or up, and eventually all finger movements are limited. Predisposing fa...

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Shoulder snapped

☘ What is the cause of shoulder joint noise? Shoulder click disease Before discussing this problem, it is necessary to explain that the meaning of the shoulder joint is not the place where the arm is connected to the shoulder, but the place where the shoulder bone is connected to the back of the che...

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Dupuytren's contracture

What is Dupuytren's contracture? Under the skin of the palm of the human hand, there is a curtain called fascia, for unknown reasons, a part of it is thickened, and as this thick area contracts and shortens, the finger bends. The prevalence of this disease is more common in men, as well as in people...

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Standard sitting on a chair

Correct sitting position on the chair The height of the seat is suitable so that the soles of your feet are on the ground and your knees are slightly higher than the hip joints. 🌷 Placing the legs together reduces the hollow of the lower back and puts less pressure on the lower back 🌷 When sitting o...

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Shoes The first part is the characteristic of standard shoes The foot as the second heart needs special care and attention 🌷 One of these considerations is the use of appropriate clothing and shoes for it Many people, while preparing shoes, do not pay attention to its standard or even do not know ab...

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