Osteogenesis imperfecta

Osteogenesis imperfecta
☘ What is osteogenesis imperfecta or imperfect ossification of children? This disease manifests itself in the form of brittle bones, along with repeated fractures that change the shape of the bones. Cause: Genetic factors play a major role in the disease, but some cases occur without genetic background

🌱 The gene that is responsible for making a kind of protein in the bone has not worked well and the bone is not strong enough 🌱 In addition to eye bones, teeth may also be involved 🌷 Diagnosis: It can be diagnosed by examination and X-ray, as well as family history Treatment: These people usually have normal intelligence, the severity of the disease varies from very severe cases that can lead to death in the fetal period to mild cases that are seen with fractures, and the only available treatment is to prevent fractures and surgery for cases of severe deformities. It's a bone
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