Sport injury

Sport injury

This article discusses more about physical injuries, especially in the lower limbs of professional debtorsEffective factors in the occurrence of sports injuries that can be prevented to some extent by knowing themThree main factors are involved in the occurrence of injuries in athletesThe first fact...

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Patella dislocation

☘ in dislocation of kneecap The patella is one of the largest bones in the body This bone is located between the tendons of the quadriceps muscle and is effective in knee movement The thickest articular cartilage of the body is located behind the patella The end shape of the femur is designed in the...

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Knee dislocation

Knee dislocation The knee joint is made up of the intersection of the femur and leg bones, and its stability is mostly provided by the ligaments and muscles around it, and the shape of the bones does not have much effect on its stability. Knee dislocation is one of the most dangerous types of disloc...

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Ligament injury

Sports injuries and knee ligaments ✝ The first part is familiar with the structure of the knee The knee joint is formed by the intersection of the femur and tibia The end part of the femur is shaped like two hemispheres and they are called condyle The initial part of the tibia is also in the form of...

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Sports injury

Sports injuries and knee ligaments ✝Part two: Injury of lateral ligaments As explained in the section on the structure of the knee, four ligaments hold the bones together on four sides. Internal and external ligaments of the knee may be stretched or torn due to pressure If the internal MCL ligament ...

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Ligaments injury

Sports injuries and knee ligaments ✝ The third part: Cruciate or cruciate ligaments 🌷 As mentioned before, the reason for the name cross or cruciate is the way these two ligaments are placed in relation to each other. The ACL anterior cruciate ligament extends from the front of the knee to the back ...

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Sports injuries and knee ligaments Fourth part: Meniscus 🌷 Menisci are two sheets of fibrous cartilage that reduce joint wear by increasing the contact surface. Every knee has two menisci, inner and outer respectively, the first one is more likely to be torn and the second one is more important. Dur...

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Sports injuries and knee ligaments Fifth part: Dos and don'ts At first, we will answer some common questions of people with knee ligament and meniscus injuries First question, is it possible for my torn ligament or meniscus to heal by itself? The answer is that the only ligament that can fuse on its...

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Sports injuries and knee ligaments Fifth part: Who is a candidate for surgery? First of all, get to know the symptoms of damage to each of the ligaments and meniscus After tearing ligaments and ligaments, a person has the feeling that his knee is not the same as before and does not have its previous...

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Ligaments injury

Sports injuries and knee ligaments ✝Sixth part: Surgical techniques 1 Many people who have knee injuries want to know about their surgery process Knowing how to do surgery also helps a person to do the next rehabilitation correctly and get a better result. 🌷 As shown in the pictures, when the ligame...

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