Ligament injury

Sports injuries and knee ligaments ✝ The first part is familiar with the structure of the knee The knee joint is formed by the intersection of the femur and tibia The end part of the femur is shaped like two hemispheres and they are called condyle The initial part of the tibia is also in the form of two layers on which the femoral condyles are located The surface of the femoral condyles and tibial layers is covered with cartilage In order to reduce the friction between these two bones, there are two cartilaginous fibrous membranes called meniscus. In order to keep these two bones together, they are connected from four sides by a rope-like tissue called ligament.

Lateral ligaments are called internal and external respectively, but the position of the front and back ligaments is in such a way that they are in a cross position with respect to each other, and the difference between these two compared to the internal and external ligaments is that they are inside the joint. These two ligaments are called anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments ✅ In the continuation of the discussion about knee ligament and meniscus injuries

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