Posserinus bursa

☘pain in the inner part of the knee caused by goose claw bursa 🌷 The knee flexor muscles have connections in the inner region of the knee that creates a goose claw-like appearance. 🌷 In this area, to reduce friction, there is a small bag called a bursa 🌷 In some people, due to excessive physical act...

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☘ Knee pain caused by plaika Knowing the anatomy of the knee helps to understand this issue better If we compare the knee to a room, its inner wall is covered by a layer like wallpaper called synovium, which is responsible for joint fluid secretion and joint lubrication. In some parts of this layer,...

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Jumper’s knee

Knee pain in jumping sports 🌷 The knee of jumpers or those who are running or jumping shows itself with pain in the area below the patella. This pain is chronic and gets worse with activity 🌷 The pain is centered exactly on the lower edge of the patella and sometimes it is in the form of a transvers...

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Backer’s cyst

What is Baker's knee cyst? A cyst is a sac containing fluid The knee joint, like other joints, needs to be lubricated with joint fluid for its smooth functioning The secretion of joint fluid is under the control of various factors In situations where the joint is stimulated or the body feels that it...

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Knee pain in young adults

Knee pain in young people The first part Many young people with complaints of knee pain refer to different specialists and clinics and are looking for the cause of their pain. The first question of these patients is, do I have arthritis? The usual place of pain for these people is usually concentrat...

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☘ What is joint drainage? Naturally, the moving joints of the body have fluid called synovium for smooth movement The amount of this liquid in the joints is under the control of various factors If, for any reason, the accumulation of this fluid is more than usual and it causes swelling in the joint,...

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