Knee pain in young adults part3

Knee pain in young people The third part 🌷 Structural and developmental causes that disrupt the mechanism of the patellar joint Chondromalacia or soft cartilage is a structural problem that usually has a genetic background and is more common in young women. In this disease without a known cause, a blister-like lesion is created on the cartilage behind the patella and gradually spreads and covers the entire surface of the patellar cartilage and causes its destruction. 🌷 In case of lack of recognition and treatment, the person will suffer from patellar joint arthrosis in the future Other structural disorders that can increase the pressure on the patellar joint and destroy it include

Internal rotation of the femur, external rotation of the tibia, incomplete development of the patella or its joint location in the femur, excessive length or shortness of the patellar tendon, deviation of the knee axis such as a knee brace or crossed knee or a backward knee. These structural disorders can only be identified and treated by a knee specialist and performing the necessary examinations ✝ See how to treat patellar joint problems in young people on this site

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