
☘ Knee pain caused by plaika Knowing the anatomy of the knee helps to understand this issue better If we compare the knee to a room, its inner wall is covered by a layer like wallpaper called synovium, which is responsible for joint fluid secretion and joint lubrication. In some parts of this layer, there are folds that cause the creation of thick strips, which are called plicae. 🌷 It is possible that following a direct impact on the inner part of the knee, an injury will be created in the synovium layer on the inner side of the knee, and a thick and inflamed band will be created from the plaika, and by moving the knee on the bone of the worn area, it will cause pain and also the feeling of something sliding inside the knee. It is also possible. When the knee moves, the person feels a click

🌷 The pain related to plaica is concentrated in the inner part of the knee and along the middle of the patella Sometimes the plaika can be touched 🌷 For treatment, it is necessary to rest the joint, use knee braces and cold compresses, and sometimes take anti-inflammatory drugs Resistant cases are treated with corticosteroid injection and even surgery 🌷 with special soft movements can also help the treatment

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