Backer’s cyst

What is Baker's knee cyst? A cyst is a sac containing fluid The knee joint, like other joints, needs to be lubricated with joint fluid for its smooth functioning The secretion of joint fluid is under the control of various factors In situations where the joint is stimulated or the body feels that it needs more joint fluid to lubricate the joint, the secretion of this fluid increases. If the fluid is secreted beyond the capacity, it puts pressure on the joint wall and pushes it out from the back of the knee, where the wall is weaker, and creates a space containing fluid, which is called Baker's cyst.

🌷 This disease often occurs in the elderly and due to arthritis of the joint, but any person of any age may suffer from this disease due to problems inside the joint. The symptoms of this disease are feeling and touching the mass in the area behind the knee This lump gets bigger with activity and pressure on the joint and gets better with rest 🌷 By performing an examination and MRI, the cyst can be seen Contrary to popular belief, the treatment of this disease is not surgery and its removal, because until the main problem causing the cyst is not treated, there is a possibility of recurrence. Therefore, the best treatment is to identify the cause of the cyst and focus on its treatment

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