Knee pain in young adults part4

Knee pain in young people The fourth part Treatment As you have seen in the previous discussions, anatomical and developmental disorders are one of the causes of knee patellar joint problems. In order to minimize developmental disorders, we should pay more attention to the nutrition and activity of our children and encourage them to exercise. 🌷 After the development of the skeletal system, many of these abnormal conditions have no symptoms, and with the onset of muscle weakness and weakness due to lack of movement and exercise, or incorrect activities, for example, sitting at a desk for a long time, overweight and other causes of symptoms. and it creates problems

Disturbance of muscle balance between the quadriceps muscle in the front of the thigh and the hamstring muscles in the back of the thigh will increase the workload of the patellar joint. For example, people who sit at the desk for a long time due to the long bent of the knee, muscle Cases that do not respond to initial treatments due to structural problems and disorders, such as abnormal bone rotations or incomplete bone formation, need to be investigated and corrected surgically. In the case of chondromalacia and the destruction of the patellar cartilage, at first it is recommended to observe and strengthen the muscles around the knee, but the resistant cases require surgical repair of the cartilage as well as ways to reduce the pressure on the patella.

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