Knee pain in young adults part2

Knee pain in young people The second part As we said in the previous part, the most common cause of knee pain in young people is problems related to the joint of the patella with the end of the femur. And we also mentioned that the most common cause of this problem is incorrect activities and muscle weakness, which disrupts the action mechanism of this joint and as a result puts pressure on it. In comparison, suppose that when the engine belt is loose, the engine will start to make noise and run erratically. But sometimes structural and structural disorders cause problems, and even though a person is an athlete and has strong muscles, he still has problems. ✝ Follow the types of these structural and developmental problems in the discussion on this site
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16 Apr 2024 02:54 AM
Good information provided, But it can be little more elaborative. Learn more
about before going for any conclusion.

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