Jumper’s knee

Knee pain in jumping sports 🌷 The knee of jumpers or those who are running or jumping shows itself with pain in the area below the patella. This pain is chronic and gets worse with activity 🌷 The pain is centered exactly on the lower edge of the patella and sometimes it is in the form of a transverse line In fact, the cause of this problem is microscopic tears in the patellar tendon due to stress on the area.

🌷 This disease includes different stages that progress from a simple inflammation to destruction and deposition of calcium in the place 🌷 For diagnosis, history of activity and examination and normal radiography are helpful 🌷 For treatment, resting the position, cold compress and knee brace are the first stages of treatment More resistant cases are anti-inflammatory, physiotherapy and laser therapy, and finally surgery and removal of the damaged part and tendon repair.

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