Knee pain in young adults

Knee pain in young people The first part Many young people with complaints of knee pain refer to different specialists and clinics and are looking for the cause of their pain. The first question of these patients is, do I have arthritis? The usual place of pain for these people is usually concentrated in the front of the knee and the area of ​​the patella 🌷 After long sitting or long standing, this pain is created and the person tends to sit and stretch his legs. Actually, these people have a problem in the patella joint with the femur Most of these people are told that you have soft patellar cartilage or chondromalacia

The most common cause of this problem is muscle weakness caused by incorrect activities such as sitting at the desk for a long time and not exercising. Because with muscle weakness, the mechanism of the patellar joint with the thigh is messed up and undue pressure on this joint causes disorders. ✝ Follow the continuation of this topic on our site

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