Patella dislocation

☘ in dislocation of kneecap The patella is one of the largest bones in the body This bone is located between the tendons of the quadriceps muscle and is effective in knee movement The thickest articular cartilage of the body is located behind the patella The end shape of the femur is designed in the form of a gutter and the patella moves inside this gutter Also, the shape of the patella is designed in such a way that the middle part of it has a long ridge that moves in balance with the femur groove inside it. Sometimes, due to structural disorders such as excessive joint laxity, or abnormal bone shape, or knee axis deviation, the patella becomes prone to dislocation from its natural place. 🌷 Dislocation of the patella may occur after a severe blow to its inner edge in a semi-bent knee

In cases of patella dislocation following an impact, the person feels a sudden locking in his knee and the patella bone is visible on the outside of the knee. There are also cases that due to excessive laxity, a person suffers from patellar dislocation by constantly bending and straightening the knee, and sometimes the patellar even remains in a dislocated position. 🌷 Cases of dislocation following an impact need to be reduced by a person familiar with the reduction technique 🌷 usually due to damage to the elements inside the joint, these people need surgery and repair of the damaged elements. People who suffer from habitual dislocations of the patella need careful examinations in terms of the axis of the knee and the amount of rotation of the bones and other factors involved in this disorder so that the correct treatment can be carried out. By strengthening the quadriceps muscle, you can help strengthen this joint

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