Cervical ribs

What is cervical rib disease? 🌷 Naturally, from the first dorsal vertebra, the connection of the ribs starts and the chest is formed, and there are twelve ribs in total on each side. Sometimes, in some people, the last vertebra of the neck, i.e. the seventh vertebra, has an appendage on its side, which can be made of fibrous tissue or even bone, and it is called a cervical rib. The importance of the cervical rib is due to the fact that there is a space between the three elements of the first rib, the clavicle and the muscles that support the neck, which is called the thoracic outlet.

The importance of the cervical rib is due to the fact that there is a space between the three elements of the first rib, the clavicle and the muscles that support the neck, which is called the thoracic outlet. The nerves and veins of the upper limb or the hand pass through this space The presence of the cervical rib causes this space to become narrow and so-called thoracic outlet syndrome, scientifically known as thoracic outlet syndrome.

🌷 A person who has a cervical rib gets a disease after middle age due to shoulder drooping 🌷 Depending on which element this damage puts pressure on, the symptoms are different From a simple neck and shoulder pain to hand and forearm numbness and even redness or blackness of the hand and swelling can exist. 🌷 Diagnosis of the disease is based on history, examination, radiography and nerve and muscle tape 🌷 The treatment in the first stages will be with corrective movements of sports and physiotherapy Resistant and severe cases require surgery

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