Dupuytren's contracture

What is Dupuytren's contracture? Under the skin of the palm of the human hand, there is a curtain called fascia, for unknown reasons, a part of it is thickened, and as this thick area contracts and shortens, the finger bends. The prevalence of this disease is more common in men, as well as in people who suffer from convulsions, diabetics, or those who consume alcohol. Sometimes there is no underlying cause

The course of the disease is that first, a small hard nodule is formed in the palm of the hand along the fourth finger, gradually this nodule thickens and becomes a stiff strip, causing wrinkles in the skin of the area, and the fingers are bent towards the palm of the hand. They become Sometimes this lesion occurs in the skin of the soles of the feet or the penis of men Treatment; The progression of the disease occurs gradually and within a few years In the initial stages, corticosteroid injection prevents the progression of the disease In severe stages, it is treated with surgery and removal of the lesion, which, of course, has a 20% chance of recurrence

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