
☘Fibromyalgia, the cause of widespread body pain and fatigue 🌷 Prevalence of this disease includes 2% of people in the society and it is mostly seen in women The age of onset is 20-50 years Of course, it occurs in other ages as well Symptoms of the disease: feeling extremely tired even after hours of sleep and rest, scattered pains in different parts of the body and a feeling of muscle cramps, pain and dryness in some joints, a person may have symptoms such as headache, digestive problems and abdominal pains. Most patients feel depressed in terms of mood They have periodic pain and discomfort in parts of the body known as trigger points

Most of these points are located around the shoulder, neck and spine The diagnosis of this patient is given by ruling out other problems and diseases It is possible that some infectious diseases such as Malt fever and rheumatoid arthritis, thyroid disorders and depression have similar symptoms. 🌷 It should be noted that this problem is a real disease and it should not be considered a mental construct of a person ✅ See the treatment of fibromyalgia further

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