Flat foot

☘Subsidiary navicular or metatarsal bone Often, parents notice the presence of a bulge in the inner part of the foot, lower than the inner ankle, in their eight- to ten-year-old child. This bony protrusion is usually bilateral Sometimes when the child is active, he will feel pain and discomfort on this ridge Often, these children have flat feet in addition to this bump Actually, there is a bone called a boat or navicular in the inner middle area of ​​the foot, which is one of the main bones of the foot.

In some cases, the ossification center of this bone consists of two separate pieces and will create a secondary bone next to the main bone. 🌷 With the growth of the child, this secondary bone grows and creates a protrusion in the inner area of ​​the foot Because the connection between the main and secondary bones is fibrocartilaginous, it may become inflamed and painful due to pressure on the area. 🌷 When the growth of the person is over, the growth of this bone will also stop 🌷 The final result of this lesion is desirable and usually it will not cause any problem for the person 🌷 In some cases, the wear of this protrusion inside the shoe may cause discomfort In these cases, it is recommended to balance the shoe, but in annoying cases, it may be necessary to remove the extra bone.
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