
Angular deviation of the knee Fourth part: Surgical treatment In the previous discussion, it was mentioned that surgical treatment for knee deviation is used when a person has discomfort and pain in his knee and despite exercise and muscle strengthening and due care, the person's problem has not been solved. The prerequisite for treatment is weight loss if you are overweight Also, the person's deformity is progressive or has caused pressure and abrasion changes in a joint part. Before determining the type of surgery, the doctor performs all the necessary investigations and determines the main location of the disorder. As mentioned before, it is possible that the internal or external rotation of the body is the cause of the change in the knee axis

There are three surgical methods to correct the deviation of the knee joint, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages and is used according to the patient's condition and the surgeon's experience, these surgeries are called osteotomy. The first method is a dome-shaped or trap-shaped osteotomy, in such a way that the bone is cut in a semi-circle and around this semi-circle, the bone is rotated to reach the desired angle. The advantage of this method is its simplicity and no need to use a tool to fix the bone, and no bone is removed. Its disadvantage is that after the operation, the limb is plastered for a long time and the patient's comfort is reduced The second method is closed wedge osteotomy, in this way, a triangle with the size of the deviation angle is removed from the bone and the two sides of the bone are glued together.

🌷 The advantage of this method is the quick fusion of the operation site, but its disadvantage is the bone defect The third method is open wedge osteotomy, in which a transverse incision is made in the bone and the incision site is opened until the organ axis is corrected, then it is grafted in the bone area and finally fixed with a plate. 🌷 The advantage of this method is more accurate correction, lengthening of limbs, which is desirable for patients, and not causing bone defects Its disadvantage is the risk of non-welding 🌷 In all the above cases, starting the patient is based on the type of device to stabilize the osteotomy site Even if plastering or pinning is used for stabilization, a person should not put weight on his body for several months.

But if the osteotomy site is fixed with a plate, the person can immediately bend and straighten his knee and walk on his body about 40 days after the operation, the disadvantage of this method is the need for a second operation and removal of the device. In short, deviation in the axis of the knee angle requires surgery when it interferes with a person's activity or puts him at risk of developing osteoarthritis and does not respond to any treatment. In the following, pictures of various methods of correcting the angular deviation of the limb as well as exercises for correcting the deviation of the limb will be presented.

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