hallux valgus

Hallux valgus or big toe deviation Hallux, big toe and valgus mean outward deviation This disorder, which is usually hereditary, is often seen in women One of the predisposing factors is wearing high-heeled shoes with narrow toes According to the amount of deviation, the intensity of the conflict is determined In severe cases, the second finger is placed on the thumb At first, the patient has no pain, but gradually due to wear of the inner edge of the bump with shoes, redness, inflammation and pain appear.

In the end, the joint is destroyed and causes arthritis, pain, and movement limitation Diagnosis: Naturally, the inner edge of the big toe is along the inner edge of the arch of the foot and there is no protrusion in the place of the joint. At the time of infection, this direction is disturbed and a ridge is created on the joint 🌷 Treatment: In the initial stages, by correcting the shoes and performing proper training movements, the progression of the deviation can be prevented. In advanced cases, an interdigital device and special splints are used The last way of treatment is surgery.
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