Heel pain

Heel pain and heel spurs Today, when talking about heel pain, the first thing people mention is heel spurs or the possibility of high blood fat. We should know that heel pain has many causes, and more interestingly, the heel spur is not the cause of heel pain 🌷 The causes of heel pain from lumbar disc, inflammatory diseases and rheumatism, diabetes, fat analysis of the soles of the feet, bone cracking and many other things include. But among all factors, plantar fasciitis is the most common cause of heel pain. The symptoms of this disease are pain in the morning when a person is unable to put weight on his heel at first 🌷 Over time, the pain is reduced by walking, but it worsens with continued activity

🌷 The inflammation will start from the connection area of ​​this curtain to the heel 🌷 Over time, microscopic tears will be created at this point and it will become a thorn with its calcification The diagnosis of this disease will be based on the history and examination of the individual Treatment includes losing weight, using heel pads inside shoes, using shoes with slightly higher heels, stretching the soles of the feet and the muscles behind the legs. It may be necessary to inject corticosteroids into the heel Ultrasound and laser therapy have also been used Finally, resistant cases need surgery

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