Knee deformities

Angular deviation of the knee The first part: the natural axis of the knee To determine the ambulatory knee axis, the person should stand completely and both feet should be together and the toes and heels should be together. It is better if the body is completely naked and the person has no shoes In normal condition, two inner ankles are stuck together and also the inner edge of the lower end of the thigh is stuck together in the knee area. 🌷 The normal range is from the knees being stuck to the distance of three fingers between the two knees

Of course, this method of measurement is approximate and it is possible to see changes in the appearance of the body based on the distribution of body fat. Also, rotational deviations of the body can falsely cause a change in the angle of the knee axis. For example, the internal rotation of the thigh causes the crossed knee and the external rotation imitates the knee brace The axis of the body's weight is transferred from the middle of the head of the femur to the middle of the knee and from there to the middle of the ankle Any deviation in the angle of the knee will cause a change in the direction of the weight on the joint The continuation of the discussion about the braced knee will be a cross
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