Knee development

Angular deviation of the knee 🌷 Part two: Bracket and cross knee 🌷 In the course of development, from birth to 3 years of age, the body is in varus, that is, in the form of a bracket 🌷 From the age of 3-4, the knees form a cross After 5 years old, the knees will be straight 🌷 They will need to investigate the cases that are in the form of abnormal or progressive deviation In adulthood, based on a person's genetics, as well as the habits and sports that a person does, the axis of the body will be formed. 🌷 The question that most people with knee deviation in the form of braces with a cross have, do they need treatment? Are corrective exercises effective? Will the lack of treatment have any complications? If surgery is needed, how is it done? See the answers to these questions in the next section
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