Low black pain

☘Does every back pain need to be examined and photographed? 🌷 Nowadays, it is often observed that patients who go to medical centers with help are suggested to use examination and treatment, or MRI to determine their problem as soon as possible. 🌷 Indiscriminately doing this kind of paraclinical concept will not only not change the treatment process, but it will waste time and money and waste resources. On the other hand, it may change to some extent in some cases from the point of view of the waist, which does not conflict with normal life and only causes anxiety and mental anxiety for the person. 🌷 Some of the symptoms that require radiology in patients referring to the request include the following.

Age over 50 years History of substance abuse 🌱 Strong blow to the vertebrae Taking some drugs, especially corticosteroids 🌱 History of visiting a doctor in the past one month with the same problem 🌱 Symptoms of neuromuscular deficiency Tumor history High fever 🌱 Recent weight loss 🌱Doctor's suspicion of ankylosing spondylitis Because of the patient's occupational and legal issues Otherwise, according to the examination and history of the patient, the doctor can present his diagnosis and start the treatment of the patient.

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