Osteoarthritis treatment 4

☘Which method is more effective in treating arthritis? Fourth part: surgical treatment Surgery is the last line of treatment for patients with arthritis There are three types of surgical treatment for arthritis The first method of cleaning and repairing the damaged elements inside the joint, which is often done with arthroscopic method. This method of treatment depends on special conditions and often the result is temporary The next method is to correct the deviations in the body, which balances the pressure on the joint surface and reduces the pressure on the damaged surface, and allows restoration and reconstruction of the place. A clear example of that is the correction of the knee brace Of course, this method of treatment requires special conditions and is effective and feasible only in the initial stages of the disease, and on the other hand, it may have its own side effects.

The last method of treating arthritis is arthroplasty or joint replacement This method is almost the end line of arthritis treatment and there are candidates for this method for whom none of the other treatment methods have been effective or cannot be performed. The result of joint replacement depends on various conditions, such as the correct selection of the patient, the skill of the surgeon, and the level of the patient's expectations. Studies have shown that more than 80% of patients are satisfied with the results of their treatment Finally, it should be kept in mind that joint replacement should be done only in the last stages of arthritis, and it should be done as much as possible in the treatment of people with an older age range.

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