Osteoporosis exercises

Osteoporosis exercises
Special exercises for osteoporosis 🌷 Start training with 5-10 minutes of softening and warming up the body You can start by walking to warm up 🌱 The training frequency is two to three times a week First movement: movement with a chair Sit on a chair and place your feet on the ground 🌱 palms crosswise on the shoulders, straight head and neck, now lift the upper half of the trunk 🌱Slowly get up on your two legs and after a few seconds, sit again in the same position. Take a light weight in your hand and do this exercise with the weight
🌱 The number of training times should be between 8 and 15 times The second movement: includes balance exercises 🌱 Do this exercise once a day and on most days of the week 🌱 While standing, lean on a solid support like a table with one hand and slowly lift one of your legs off the ground for 5 seconds. Do this movement five times for each of your legs After practicing several times, try to do it with your eyes closed 🌷 The third movement: Standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, your hands stretched forward, now simultaneously with your right hand stretched from your shoulder to the tip of your fingers, put your left foot forward so that your toe touches the ground. Do this at least 5 times for each leg

🌷 Fourth movement: Spread your legs shoulder width apart and pull your hands forward Then lift the right leg, bend it backwards and hold it for 5 seconds. 🌱 Practice this action 5 times 🌷 The fifth movement: These movements are taken from Taichi martial arts and are done in a group and bring peace of mind and longevity. 🌷 It is noted that in people with osteoporosis, sports that cause bending are less and stretching is prohibited.

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