Walking with bare feet is good for the knees

Various mechanisms are involved in the development of joint arthrosis From the type of cartilage, in which individual genetics and nutrition and other factors play a role, to environmental and mechanical factors and external pressures, all are involved in the development of arthritis. One of the important factors is the pressure on the joint while walking It means the intensity of the impact that we hit the ground while walking Various factors are involved in setting these shots

One of these factors is the balance system of the brain, whose receptors are located in the organs and its processor is located in the cerebellum and brain These receptors are present in various elements of the body, including ligaments and tendons, as well as joint surfaces and the skin of the body. As any organ can be strengthened by exercise, this system can also be strengthened by stimulating and exercising it When you walk barefoot, the skin of the sole of your foot directly feels the pressure and contact with the ground, and this gradually strengthens the skin receptors and facilitates its connection with the cerebellum and better control the pressure during walking. can be So set aside an hour of the day to walk barefoot on a safe level
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