Low black pain

☘Does every back pain need to be examined and photographed? 🌷 Nowadays, it is often observed that patients who go to medical centers with help are suggested to use examination and treatment, or MRI to determine their problem as soon as possible. 🌷 Indiscriminately doing this kind of paraclinical con...

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Flat foot

☘Smooth soles 🌷 The bony structure and ligamentous tendon connections make the surface of the sole of the foot in the shape of an arch This arch includes the longitudinal extension of the inner edge of the foot so that only the outer edge of the foot is on the ground when weight is applied. The pres...

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Flat foot

☘Subsidiary navicular or metatarsal bone Often, parents notice the presence of a bulge in the inner part of the foot, lower than the inner ankle, in their eight- to ten-year-old child. This bony protrusion is usually bilateral Sometimes when the child is active, he will feel pain and discomfort on t...

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Heel pain

Heel pain and heel spurs Today, when talking about heel pain, the first thing people mention is heel spurs or the possibility of high blood fat. We should know that heel pain has many causes, and more interestingly, the heel spur is not the cause of heel pain 🌷 The causes of heel pain from lumbar di...

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☘Fibromyalgia, the cause of widespread body pain and fatigue 🌷 Prevalence of this disease includes 2% of people in the society and it is mostly seen in women The age of onset is 20-50 years Of course, it occurs in other ages as well Symptoms of the disease: feeling extremely tired even after hours o...

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Fibromyalgia treatment The first step in the treatment of this disease is to reassure the person that he is not suffering from a dangerous and progressive disease On the other hand, a person should know that the treatment process will be long and requires patience The treatment of this problem is a ...

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